Turf FAQ

How many players for each team roster?

Maximum of 9 players per team

How long are the games?

Every half is 22 mins (instead of just 20 mins) with a total of 44 mins of playing time per game. There is also a 5 min half time

What do I get for registering?

The registration covers 6 games, plus a tournament at the end of the season. Top two teams in every age bracket get medals. In addition, every player gets a premium 2 color double-sided vest.

When is the turf season?

The Summer Season is typically in July-August. The Winter Season is typically in January-March.

What days are games played?

Games are played on Saturdays and Sundays.

If I coach, do I get a discount?

Coaches get one kid’s registration waived for every team they coach (as long as the team has at least 7 players). We need coaches. Do consider volunteering. Your help makes a big difference to the kids you coach.

How are teams formed?

For our U7 to U10 age groups, we form teams based on coach and player requests. And for our U11 to U15 age groups, we have a draft.

Are competitive players allowed to play?

Competitive players are more than welcome! We typically have Co-Ed Comp Age Groups: U11-U12, U12-U13, and U14-U15. Competitive players will be drafted into well-balanced teams, to create an fair, fun playing field.

Where are games played?

Newark Sportsfield Park Turf.

Will turf be fun for my young players?

Great question! Don’t take our word for it, check out the great Thierry Henry:

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